Frequently Asked Questions

How do I open a HTB checking, savings account or CD?
Anyone can stop in and ask to open an account, they will be directed to our customer service representative, who would be happy to answer any questions and get the accounts opened
How do I order Checks?
Any teller or customer service representatives would be able to help with that
How can I see my account balance?
Our receipts tell you your balance and we can certainly help with setting up online banking to make it more accessible.
How do I make my loan payment?
Online banking, at the branch teller counter, or mail
What does TIN stand for?
Tax Identification Number – it is the businesses tax identifier used when filing tax returns and assigned by the IRS
How can I apply for and submit a loan application?
You can submit your application in person, or give us the information over the phone.
What is my payment due date?
A mortgage loan is due between the first and the fifteenth of every month – the borrower incurs a 5% late penalty after the fifteenth
How can I obtain the payoff amount for my loan?
Via email with a signed borrower’s authorization or by phone with verbal authorization
How do I apply for a HTB credit card?
Currently they must apply in person only (drivers license, proof of income)
How do I estimate my loan payments?
Use our financial calculators to get the payment estimates you need to plan.
Digital Banking
How can I add an external transfer account or make a transfer?
These can be set up through online banking.
What is the HTB routing number?
How do I set up Autopay?
Fill out an autopay form and mail or drop off the original to a Branch.
Do you have a secure way of sending financial information.
You can request a secure email from your commercial lender.
How can I get copies of loan documents?
Reach out to your loan officer or loan servicing at 330-673-9827
Who can I speak with for Treasury management or Merchant Services?
Contact any Branch Manager or Commercial Loan Officer.